- poachers pose a very serious threat to endangered species. These people hunt these animals illegally for profit
- extinction of animals is a very serious problem and poachers contribute to it
Thesis: Does poaching need more severe consequences and increased law enforcement due to its effect on the near extinction, or complete extinction, of valuable wildlife in Africa?
Points supporting thesis:
- in detail description of what animals are facing extinction in africa and how poachers have a hand in it
- maybe adding why the animals are poached (fur, tusks, trophies, etc.) will help persuade the audience that something more needs to be done
- numbers may persuade reader of the seriousness of the problem
- if a species goes extinct what happens to its food source? (do they become over populated due to lack of threats)
- what happens to predators who use the now extinct species as a food source? (do they become endangered due to lack of a mian resource or find other means?)
- research on the animals will be difficult due to lack of living organisms, but rather traces of them
- I can't think of a counterarguement about poaching being bad?
- statistics on how many/what types of animals are poached each year in africa
- what is being done to prevent/catch poachers? What is their punishment?
- are there any invasive species due to poaching of their predators?
*by doing this research i hope to find out how serious the problem of poaching is in africa, whats being done to stop it, and how we can help.
Credible sources
- https://web-ebscohost-com.lp.hscl.ufl.edu/ehost/detail?vid=3&hid=126&sid=23646abc-8939-43fc-b8bd-4992e36b2968%40sessionmgr110&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=52768098
- An assessment of illegal hunting on farmland in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: implications for oribi (Ourebia ourebi) conservation. (journal article)
- source: south african journal of wildlife research
- this article relates to my topic because it discusses the decline in oribi (small antelope) due to poaching
- also it discusses what is being done in south africa in hopes to reduce poaching
- Combating the Illegal Trade in African Elephant Ivory with DNA Forensics (journal article)
- source: conservation biology
- this article relates to my topic because it discusses what is being done to stop the ivory trade in africa (which is possible through poaching since ivory comes from animals such as the elephant and rhino which are illegal to hunt)
- source: british journal of criminology
- this article relates to my topic because it discusses what is being done to prevent poaching (making ivory sales illegal gives the poachers less availablity to sell what they poached - but sales still occur illegally)
Good prospectus. I like you used the blog's capacity for bullet points to lay out your plan.
ReplyDeleteThe counterargument will not have to do with being "bad," but rather part of your thesis:
"need more severe consequences and increased law enforcement"
Your counterargument is going to come from those that would say this is a waste of resources or that to punish poachers more is unjust,etc. I"m sure there's someone out there who would bitch about this.
Anyway, good prospectus, good sources, and good thinking.